Saturday 10 August 2013

Roll Call!

Who the #@%*! is Gamer Girl Present?

GGP is just a girl who happens to also be a gigantic geek, and Canadian.

And you're qualified how?

I think it's pretty self explanatory. I'm a gamer, the fact that I am a girl is what seems to get everyone's panties in a twist. I've reviewed books for years, hell, I want to write as a profession. I am a fairly opinionated person. Whether or not you deem me qualified is up to you, but I'm going to post reviews here anyway. 

Sure, OK, you are a "gamer" girl. Seriously though, are you just one of those chicks who pose with controllers and games in strategic places? Do you only game because your boyfriend/husband/significant other does?

So I guess, I'm going to hit some stereotypes here. No, I do not pose with controllers/games in strategic places, annnd never will so stop beating that horse. And secondly, I was gaming long before I met my BF, yes, he's a gamer too, yes we do play Borderlands 2 together, yes he encourages my gaming, but I do not game just because he does. Hell, I grew up playing Mario and Duck Hunt on the NES.

So you're a girl why aren't you in the kitchen? Seriously, make me a sandwich.

I swear, honestly, if I hear this one more time I am going to explode or implode which ever is more dramatic. And actually, if you want to know the real reason why I'm not in the kitchen? I can't cook. Seriously, not a skill I posses, just ask my BF.

You're just going to use this blog to talk about all the girly aspects in gaming aren't you?

I'm not sure what is meant by "girly aspects in gaming," I mean if you're talking about me going on a rant about the over sexualization of women in games or how female game characters are under some sort of injustice, I can do that, but, that isn't what this blog is about. Sure, I might write up a completely pms-y response to something said in the gaming community or something happening in a game, but let's not focus on that. This blog is for reviews, the end.

Consoles or PC?

Both. For consoles, I mainly use my PS3. But lately, I've gotten more into PC gaming, but seriously don't ask me for computer specs because I have no f***king clue, I can read off what the little sticker on my laptop says, but other than that you're shite out of luck. I don't have a fancy gaming computer, in fact, when I bought my laptop I was told straight up "This is not a gaming computer." But guess what? I'm gonna use it like that anyway. 

Blog features on the way?

Like I said above somewhere, mainly I'll have game reviews. Maybe later on into the blog life I'll start adding in some upcoming releases posts, if people want the kind of thing. And there will probably be the occasional random post from me, and maybe a pot or two about some cool gadgets I've found around the web.

Other badass gamer girls out there?

Honestly? There are a lot, you just don't hear about them because we're still outnumbered. But here are two of my favourite gamer girls.

Rosanna Pansino (Ro also does a show called Nerdy Nummies, which honestly is the best nerdy baking show ever).

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